FacePlant AR - Plant your lovely face anywhere

FacePlantAR, is a FREE 3D Depth messages “Location Based Posting” application.

FacePlantAR transforms your face into hi-res 3D volumetric messaging video allowing you to leave instructions, messages or other personalized fun communications in the exact location you want it to be delivered for future passerby and share on social media.

FacePlant AR - Plant your lovely face anywhere

FacePlantAR, is a FREE 3D Depth messages “Location Based Posting” application.

FacePlantAR transforms your face into hi-res 3D volumetric messaging video allowing you to leave instructions, messages or other personalized fun communications in the exact location you want it to be delivered for future passerby and share on social media.

volumetric video


create and share augmented reality short videos of your faces embedded in pictures and videos

3d scanner

Realtime 3D+RGB face capture

unwrapping camera RGB + 3D depth capture resulting in a solid, high quality, real time capture of users faces.

3d scanner

Advanced 3D filters

manipulating captured faces for post capture expression alterations and feature exaggerations.

3d object scanner

Compose AR scene

combining one or multiple 3D depth captured faces from library and “plant” them in real scenes using Slam to compose picture or live videos.


Unified Location based posting

utilizing ARKit 2.0 exact location in combination with GPS to achieve “true” augmented reality multilayer experience to be delivered for future passerby.

We’re always exited to hear from you. If you have feedback, questions, or concerns, please email us at: appsupport@mantis-vision.com

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